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Updated: Jan 29, 2020

The Thames Estuary Partnership's 2019 Annual Forum, which tackled The Tidal Thames in a Changing Climate, was deemed a great success. Around 150 delegates gathered in the Tower of London for a series of very topical talks, debates and workshops which explored the role of the Thames in the climate crisis.

Highlights included a call to action from TEP Chair, Anusha Shah, to meet the climate crisis; a forward thinking, inspirational keynote speech from Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency; and a rousing speech from Extinction Rebellion activist, Daze Aghaji, whose personal journey to understanding the climate crisis was delivered with humour and passion, which resonated strongly with the audience.

Workshops in the afternoon were completed in the style of Open Space, which led to passionate and in-depth debates as well as a pool of innovative ideas generated.

Post-event resources are available upon request.

Look out for future announcements concerning the TEP Annual Forum 2020!


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